For Tacchificio Villa Cortese, sustainability is not a declaration of intent. It is a philosophy that embraces the entire structure, which then translates into a development strategy. We consider it the highest form of respect towards our stakeholders and the highest form of moral responsibly towards future generations.
We are committed to pursuing it in all its areas: environmental, social and economic.
In fact, we have always worked to improve our environmental performances, starting with the distinguishing aspects of the MADE IN ITALY:
The quality of the product, designed and created to last over time; -
A supply chain which is fully traceable and MADE IN ITALY -
An environmentally friendly and low waste production, also thanks to precautionary optimization tools, which allow us to make a preliminary engineering of the product in the digital environment. -
A packaging that minimizes the environmental impact and the production of waste.
For us, innovation is the prerequisite for sustainability – by following the dictates of Open Innovation, we do our best to improve, spur and spread ideas and knowledge both internally and in the ecosystem of which TVC Group is part. We want to give a solid contribution to promoting a model of sustainable growth, bringing added value to all our stakeholders